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Compliance with your supply agreement can be challenging. And when the cost of goods sold is the largest line item on your profit and loss statement, it's easy to see the importance of partnering with a secondary wholesaler to optimize drug costs.

With your AAPA Competitive Edge, you can reduce your cost of goods and optimize your drug costs through the IPC Warehouse.

The IPC Warehouse serves over 7,000 stores as a secondary wholesaler and, through the warehouse, AAPA m
embers have access to expanded:


  • Selection - Over 2,000 generics and over 200 brands to choose from
  • Savings - Purchase competitively priced generics and brands through the IPC ordering portal
  • Support - Lean on your IPC representative to be your trusted advisor to support your purchasing needs and delivery in support of your dispensing
  • Service - Thanks to our outstanding partnership with UPS and FedEx, you'll get what your patients need the very next day, no matter where you are in the country
  • Specials - Offers you can take advantage of each week to put money back in your pocket

Learn how the IPC Warehouse can help create a positive impact to your bottom line.

Start optimizing your cost of goods today!

ipc digital health
